
This site attempts to contribute to the mutual respect and understanding between Kurds and Azerbaijani Turks

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The People of Azerbaijan Demand Education in Mother Tongue

Kurdistan number 446, 7 October 2006

The People of Azerbaijan demand official recognition
of mother tongue education
This is the title of an article written by Azad Kurdi and publisled in Kurdistan The organ of Central Committee of Kurdistan Democrtatic Party of Iran , number 446 , 7 october 2006.
Azd Kurdi says : ā€œ This year the start of school year was different compared with previous years . To protest stopping education in mother tongue for Azerbaijani children and other none Persian pupils ,a group of cultural and political Azerbaijani activists published a statement which was widely distributed in Azerbaijani towns and cities.
As a result the start of school year was disrupted markedly ā€œ.
In the continuation of the article which is appeared both in Kurdish and Persian in PDK-Iā€™s central organ , Azad Kurdi points out : ā€œ Although the Article 15 of the constitution
of Islamic republic allows the teaching of local languages beside the official language Persian , but during the past 27 years of Islamic republic reign this article has never been implemented in practice".


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