
This site attempts to contribute to the mutual respect and understanding between Kurds and Azerbaijani Turks

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kerkuk is not a dangerous place for coexistence

Forces hostile to the peaceful coexistence of different cultures in Kerkuk side by side and in harmony, are at work to incite national hatred and ethnic strife in order
to curb the normalization of life in this Kurdistani city.
What the Kurds are saying and try to implement in Kerkuk is not against the interests of any nationality there on the contrary if the city is integrated with the federal region of Kurdistan the none Kurds can live in a much more secure live. Excluding Kerkuk from Kurdish federal region contribute to the sense of alienation within the majority of population who consider themselves as part and parcel of Kurdish people and Kurdistan region; which its population is predominately Kurdish.
The outsiders ,including the Turkish government instead of plots and hidden agenda must accept the will of local population, whether they are Kurds, Turkomans or Assyrians.
Kerkuk is part of Sothern Kurdistan with a multiethnic composition.



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