
This site attempts to contribute to the mutual respect and understanding between Kurds and Azerbaijani Turks

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mr. Nazmi Afshar has limited knowledge about OCALAN

The exchange of letters between Mr. Mustafa Hicri the leader of a section of Kurdistan Party of Iran and Mr.Nazmi Afshar,an Azerbaijani Turkish exile last year about the relations of the two peoples,caused dismay and anxiety both in Kurdish ranks and among some Azerbaijani circles.
The main reason being ,that none of the afromentioned persons touched upon the reality of the issue; Mustefa Hicrif for his part compromised some Kurdish regions
in Iran,which according to the present geographical division are part of Western Azerbaijan province- with Mahabad the headquarter of Kurdistan Repiublic in 1946 included-,and Mr. Nazmi Afshar as an exile,not familiar with current issues of Kurdish politics, humilated some of figurs in Kurdish political history.
In a recent interview with a Kurdish journalist Xalid Muhemedzade - conducted by correspondence- Mr Nazmi without slightest shame and responsibility puts forward hideous accusations against one of the most popular leaders in Kurdish Modern political history namely Abdulla Ocalan ,and call him a "terrorist" based on the falsefied information produced by those circles in Turkish society which deny Kurdish distinct identity.
Mr.Nazmi must learn about Kurdish sensitivity; he must know that Ocalan is suffering in solitary confinement, he must learn and respect the charisma of Ocalan among Kurdish masses, not just in Northern Kurdistan butin whole geography of Kurdistan and whereever the Kurds are living.
If he is serious about his efforts for establishing dialogue and mutualunderstanding among the two peoples,he must inform himself more about the realities of Kurdish cause in all parts of Kurditan.
The minimum demand from both sides at this juncture should be mutual respect for
personalities symbolising Kurdish and Azerbaijani Turkish identities and not disrespect any personality whom is respected by other side.
Is it logical to consider Babek Xoremdin a hero for Azerbaijanis ,but at the same time,attack Simko as a brigand?


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