
This site attempts to contribute to the mutual respect and understanding between Kurds and Azerbaijani Turks

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 Rébendan a great day for Kurdish People

On 2nd Rébensan 1324 (22 January 1946) A Kurdish Republic was declared in Mahabad.
The republic comprised not all Kurdish inhabited geography within Iran.
Not before long of its inauguration; in its negotiations with the Central Government the Republic's officials were not recognised as such. The Republics establishment and its demise are part and parcel of the same process.
The Republic in spite of disagreements in several points with Azerbaijan national government, remained as its alley to the last days. This relationship, cooperation and disagreement could be a model for joint struggle of Kurdish and Azerbaijan Turkish people in our time.
Hail to memory of the Leaders of Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad


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